JubiLatte Café

JubiLatte is our child-friendly community café.

What makes JubiLatte different?  Our teas and coffees are all Fairtrade and we operate on as eco-friendly a basis as we can. 

We keep our prices at the lower end of the scale and are happy for people to make one drink last all morning if they want to. And if they don’t want to buy anything, that’s fine too!

We have a children’s area and toys for babies and toddlers, as well as snacks for your little ones. We have regular Scrabble and Café Crafting mornings, as well as magazines, other games and a café library. Most importantly, as well as great teas and coffees and cakes, there is always someone to chat to.

Small knitted figurines of Mary & Joseph, with some sheep, enjoying a cup of coffee and some homemade cake in the JubiLatte cafe at St Johns.

Any queries, please email us at cafe@stjohnsmoulsham.org.uk

Café Library

You can borrow any of our books or magazines for reading whilst you’re enjoying our café. Or you are welcome to take a book or magazine home to enjoy in exchange for another.

Whilst we welcome small donations toward the library, this is by no means essential!

Café Crafting

3rd Thursday of the month – 9:30am – 11:30am

If you enjoy doing craft or would like to learn something new, why don’t you come to our crafting session in the church café?

The crafting selection includes: 

  • Card making
  • Cross stitch and straight stitch tapestry
  • Bead embroidery
  • Making bunting for church – sewing machine provided
  • Simple applique or quilting
  • Learn to crochet or show someone how to
  • Knitting – Patterns include: Farm animals; cars and trucks; fairy tale characters; dogs; mug holder covers and other novelty patterns.
A table covered in a handmade quilt, with balls of green, yellow and red wool, some other ‘handicraft’ items, and a sewing machine, all arranged in a pleasant display.

Some wool and needles are available.

You are also free to bring your own materials if you are working on anything or would like some help (if we can do so!) You may also be skilled in a craft and are willing to share this skill.

Donations towards the cost of materials are always welcome.

The café is open so you can also enjoy tea or coffee and toast or cake (at very reasonable prices!)

Any queries, do contact Rev’d Jean.

Scrabble Club

2nd Monday of the month – 10.00am

Do you enjoy playing Scrabble? We have our Scrabble Club at JubiLatte on the 2nd Monday of the month at 10.00am. All levels are welcome, it’s just a bit of fun and open to all. No need to book. 


Please feel free to download and view our current menu:

The JubiLatte logo - a stylised coffee cup with steam rising from it.

Monday & Thursday
9:30am – 12:00pm

The official FairTrade logo.

We are proud to be a Fairtrade Church